Iron Golem (afr) 247 #Vigilance
#Creature (35):
Ancestral Statue (dtk) 234 #top10k
Arcbound Bruiser (dst) 94 #Modular
Arcbound Wanderer (5dn) 103 #Modular #Sunburst
Battered Golem (5dn) 106 #top10k
Bottle Golems (mh2) 222 #Trample
Campus Guide (stx) 252
Clay Statue (atq) 44
Custodian of the Trove (dtk) 236 #Defender
Disruptor Wanderglyph (lci) 253
Dross Golem (dst) 119 #Affinity #Fear
Dune Mover (one) 226 #top10k #Toxic
Forgotten Sentinel (m21) 231
Gilded Sentinel (xln) 239
Gingerbrute (eld) 219 #top10k #Haste
Gravestone Strider (mkm) 252
Guardians of Meletis (ths) 217 #Defender
Henge Walker (eld) 221 #Adamant
Hexplate Golem (mbs) 109
Howling Golem (dom) 218 #top10k
Iron Bully (war) 240 #Menace
Keeper of the Lens (dtk) 240
Lightning-Core Excavator (jmp) 32
Maelstrom Colossus (cmr) 322 #top10k #Cascade
Oxidda Golem (dst) 135 #Affinity #Haste
Pardic Wanderer (dom) 226 #Trample
Phyrexian Hulk (tmp) 302
Prismite (war) 242
Razor Golem (dst) 137 #Affinity #Vigilance
Sea Gate Colossus (znr) 251
Shield-Wall Sentinel (dmu) 238 #top10k #Defender
Spire Golem (dst) 145 #Flying #Affinity
Stone Golem (m11) 215
Tangle Golem (dst) 151 #Affinity
Tormod's Cryptkeeper (mh2) 239 #Vigilance
Will-Forged Golem (m15) 239 #Convoke
#Changelings (7):
Bloodline Pretender (khm) 235 #top10k #Changeling
Maskwood Nexus (khm) 240 #top1k
Amorphous Axe (mh1) 219 #Equip
Runed Stalactite (lrw) 260 #Equip
Three Tree Mascot (blb) 251 #top10k #Changeling
Barkform Harvester (blb) 243 #top10k #Reach #Changeling
Universal Automaton (mh1) 235 #top10k #Changeling
#Support (9):
Xanthic Statue (wth) 163
Rusted Relic (som) 199 #Metalcraft
Conversion Chamber (nph) 133
Nexus of Becoming (big) 25 #top10k
Jade Statue (lea) 253
Dread Statuary (wwk) 135 #top10k
Titan Forge (mbs) 141
Guardian Idol (5dn) 128 #top10k
Golem Foundry (som) 160 #top10k
#Non-commander-legal (17):
Golem (tsom) 6 #top100
Golem (tmbs) 3 #top100
Golem (tc21) 25 #top100 #Flying
The Iron Guardian Stirs (oarc) 22★ #top100
Tuktuk the Returned (troe) 5 #top100
The Hollow Sentinel (tone) 9 #top100
Togglodyte (unh) 129 #top100
Golem (j13) 9 #top100
Golem (tc21) 26 #top100 #Trample
Golem (trix) 4 #top100
Gingerbehemoth (da1) UA06a #top100 #Vigilance #Trample
Golem (tbro) 6 #top100
Golem (tc21) 27 #top100 #Vigilance
Phyrexian Golem (t2x2) 21 #top100
Sundering Titan (dst) 146 #top100
Golem (tonc) 18 #top100 #Haste
Sawtooth Avenger (da1) UA06b #top100
#r= gives the edhrec rank of the card; the lower the ranking, the more decks the card is played in.